Wednesday, July 1, 2009

July 1, 2009

Wow, it's crazy how time flies. Last sunday I graduated from Brooks Institute on Sunday. The very next day, I started my teaching career. I was fortunate enough to land a gig teaching photography classes at my Junior College through their recreation program. I was teaching photography to 10-14 year olds. At first I was really nervous but once I started talking the nerves where gone. I'm not going to lie though, the very first day, I wasn't as prepared as I should have been but I learned. I never thought of how much preparation goes into teaching until that day. Enough of me talking, here are a few photos that some of the kids took. I was impressed considering how old they are. 

NOTE: The only editing to these images was some slight curves adjustment in photoshop other than that it is the kids shot entirely.

Taken by Nick - Age 10 

Taken by Andree - Age 14

Taken by Ashley - age 13

Taken by Carolyn - Age 11

Class photo.


  1. haha, dude, are you kidding me?!

    those shots are stellar. i remember watching T.V. and playing with myself at that age. these kids are going to do amazing things when they get a little bit older. please let them know to continue their awesome work.

    oh, i miss you by the way. seriously, you need to come down here soon.

  2. That last photo is a keeper. The beginning of Ryan the teacher.

  3. Im surprised kyle didn't make a comment about Nick's photo.

    Nick's image looks like something kyle would shoot. Nick ... or Kyle Wong Jr haha

  4. These are so cool Mr. Ostorero! Congrats. Your class photo is so cute.

  5. Hats off to you. You are a wonderful person and these kids are so righteous. Keep up the good work.


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