Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Donald Glover

It is very hard photographing a comedy show. I couldn't help but laugh at the jokes and one liners the comics were saying. Donald Glover was the headliner the same night I photographed Kris Tinkle. I loved these shots of Donald and thought I'd share. For those of you who don't know who Donald is you should check out the show "Community". It is hilarious.

Monday, October 11, 2010

L is for the way ...

You look at me. I had an awesome time photographing Kendra and Craig the other day. I had a hard time narrowing the photos I wanted to post for the blog post, I guess that is kind of a good thing though. More to come.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Advertisements make me laugh

Saw this ad in sf and thought it was pretty cool not only from a photography stand point but a reality.

Kris Tinkle Photo Shoot

My cousin is an up and coming comic in San Francisco. He has done stand up abroad for the troops for the USO, is doing some shows in LA soon, Never a dull moment during this photo shoot. These are my top three favorite photos form this shoot, more to come.

Check Kris Tinkles comedy out at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=accmL9E2Xeg or http://www.facebook.com/kristinkle

Thursday, July 29, 2010

day tree

Got my mind in the tennis nets ...

My favorite image of "the net" series.

day two

I know these images aren't great but unfortunately I can not control what time of day that my sisters coach has his camps. While I was in college I was taught that the worst times to photograph anything is between 10am and 2pm ... and the camp is ... from 10 am to noon. More images to come later. [click image to see larger]

Rembrandt lighting pattern.

This kid is the best 15 year old tennis player I have ever seen. I sat down and interviewed him.

Marilyn Monroe on the tennis court ?!?!

Pickin' the balls up.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

New Project

I have embarked on a new project that I am excited about. I was asked by my sisters tennis coach to come and take photos of his summer camps students. Once I was asked to come and take photos the wheels started turning on a bigger and better idea.

I plan on following my sisters tennis coach for a few weeks and document everything that I see.

I went out today for the first time and here are a few images that I took.

I love the pure athleticism in this image.

this kid was a character and a half

my sister
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