Wow, it's crazy how time flies. Last sunday I graduated from Brooks Institute on Sunday. The very next day, I started my teaching career. I was fortunate enough to land a gig teaching photography classes at my Junior College through their recreation program. I was teaching photography to 10-14 year olds. At first I was really nervous but once I started talking the nerves where gone. I'm not going to lie though, the very first day, I wasn't as prepared as I should have been but I learned. I never thought of how much preparation goes into teaching until that day. Enough of me talking, here are a few photos that some of the kids took. I was impressed considering how old they are.
NOTE: The only editing to these images was some slight curves adjustment in photoshop other than that it is the kids shot entirely.

Taken by Nick - Age 10

Taken by Andree - Age 14

Taken by Ashley - age 13

Taken by Carolyn - Age 11

Class photo.